We love the sport of cheerleading and are super passionate about empowering young people to be confident, self motivated, successful young adults. We believe that great people are created in the sport of cheerleading.
We offer four different class options:
Grade 1- 1hr/week $235/term, fee includes athlete entry fee for 3 virtual and 1 in person competitions, 2 in house showcases and our end of year Christmas party.
Grade 2-4 1.5hrs/week $310/term, fee includes athlete entry fee for 3 virtual and 1 in person competitions, 2 in house showcases and our end of year Christmas party.
CheerSPORT allows athletes to experience the super FUN glam world of competitive cheerleading but without the financial and time commitments required by elite cheer. Work together in a team to master lifts, pyramids, jumps, tumble and dance in a 1min30 routine.
GymnasticTUMBLE:1hr/week $170/term
GymnasticTUMBLE classes focus on exclusively on teaching floor based gymnastics skills such as rolls, handstands, walkovers and handsprings. Athletes work towards mastery of carefully considered progressions in our industry leading levelled syllabus which has produced many highly skilled tumblers who not only excel in cheerleading but in power tumbling trampolining and dance.
EliteCHEER: 2.5-6hrs/week $595-$740 per term dependent on level. Term fees include all team tumbling classes, athlete competition entry fees, in house showcase, Spirit days, end of year Christmas party and one complimentary boot camp.
EliteCHEER is the pathway to New Zealand Representative competitive cheerleading. We offer EliteCHEER teams from Novice through to Worlds Level 5. Placement is by try out or invitation only. Our main tryouts are held annually in November however bookings for private tryouts are welcome at any time during the season space dependent.
Places fill fast, so secure your free trial today!
Click Here to Book your Free Trial.
Auckland – 57B Ben Lomond Cres, Pakuranga, Auckland

Traci Burke
All Star Fame is managed by Traci Burke.

Traci Burke
All Star Fame is managed by Traci Burke
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